Monthly Archives: February 2022

Speed limit

Speeding in Scarisbrick




The Parish Council receives many complaints from residents about speeding vehicles on our rural roads and the dangers that this causes.

We have been working hard to address this and are now ready to commence with Phase One of the campaign. This will include:

  • The purchase of 2 Speed Indicator Devices (SPIDs), which will be deployed around Scarisbrick, has been agreed. These will alert motorists to their speed and will also collect data that can be used to provide evidence for passing to partner agencies (such as Police and Lancashire County Council) for further preventative measures to be investigated. The data can also be published on the Scarisbrick Today website and speeding hotspots will be identified.
  • Providing households in Scarisbrick with speed sign wheelie bin stickers. This method has been introduced in neighbouring parishes where is has worked well at alerting motorists to the speeding issue. The stickers are currently on order and to make this initiative a success we are looking for volunteers who would be willing to deliver these around Scarisbrick. If you would like to get involved please email the Scarisbrick Parish Clerk at

Phase Two of the campaign will be the purchase of more SPIDs so that more local roads can be covered. If you have any suggestions for other actions against speeding please get in touch at or come along to our Scarisbrick Parish Council meetings (please see Scarisbrick Today website for details).


Public health annual report image

Lancashire’s Public Health

Lancashire’s public health report for 2021/22 has been published and can be accessed here. The report analyses the issues affecting people’s wellbeing and explains the health inequalities between different communities.  It also highlights the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on people’s lives and livelihoods.

Some of the main findings of the report include:

  • Life expectancy has decreased overall during the last two years. Males living in the least deprived communities live 10.3 years longer than those in the most deprived. The gap is 7.8 years for females.
  • The overall health and wellbeing of children in Lancashire is worse than England as a whole when comparing local data with national averages.
  • The percentage of people who “often or always” felt lonely during the pandemic in Lancashire was reported to be 6.1%. For certain districts this figure was as high as 13.5%.

Some positive issues outlined in the report include:

  • Lancashire’s carbon emissions reduced by more than 32% between 2005 and 2019.
  • Health assessments and reviews with new mothers and babies continued throughout the pandemic, with thousands being assessed over the last two years.

Specific neighbourhood level intelligence at a district and ward level can be found here.