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Green Homes Grant Scheme

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The Green Homes Grant is a Government backed scheme delivered by Local Authorities to improve the energy efficiency of eligible homes, improving warmth and comfort levels whilst reducing energy bills, carbon emissions and fuel poverty.

West Lancashire Borough Council is working with the Cosy Homes in Lancashire (CHiL) partnership, to deliver free energy efficiency measures to homes that meet the following criteria:

  • Have an energy performance certificate rating of D, E, F or G (This can be checked here.  If an EPC doesn’t currently exist, one can be undertaken as part of the scheme)
  • The household receives qualifying benefits or has an income of less than £30,000.

The measures can include anything from a simple loft insulation top up to new heating measures and renewable technologies.  The funding contribution can be up to £10,000 per property, however a contribution is required from landlords.

For more information and to apply for inclusion in the scheme, please go to the CHiL website where you will also find the on-line application form. An information leaflet can be found here.