
Playground upgrade at Scarisbrick Village Hall – have your say.

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Funding has become available through Section 106 planning contributions and the Council is supporting the Village Hall Committee in exploring the possibility of replacing/upgrading the playground equipment at the Village Hall.

The Council would like to know if the community would support this project and would be grateful if you could provide answers to the questions found at the end of this article.

What is Section 106 funding?

Under the provisions of Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990  contributions can be sought from developers to be put towards the costs of providing community resources. The purpose of these contributions is to enable communities to provide and improve open spaces, sport, recreation or outdoor facilities. The level of contributions is negotiated between developers and West Lancashire Borough Council during the planning application process. Funds are allocated to parish projects through a grant system. Section 106 money may only be spent on facilities where the new development has, at least in part, contributed to the need for the facilities. Funding is available for capital projects only and cannot be used to fund general running costs. Funding will normally be invested in the same parish in which the contributing development is located. However, if we fail to come forward with a suitable project it is likely that the funds will be allocated elsewhere within the Borough.

Why do you need my opinion?

Applications go through a detailed assessment process at West Lancashire Borough Council. Evidence has to be put forward that an assessment has been made of local community need, including public consultation. Failure to demonstrate that there is public backing for the project will ensure that the bid fails. Your response is therefore extremely important to the outcome. So that your views can be taken into account please could you respond to the following questions:

1)   What is your postcode?

2)   Do you have children who use the existing playground?

3)   If so, roughly how often do you visit the existing playground?

4)   Do you support the use of S106 money to refurbish the SVH playground?  Yes or No

5)   If No – what are your main objections to the proposal?

6)   Do you have any suggestions of where the money could be spent instead?


Please comment via this website or email your response to these questions to

Further information can be obtained from the Parish Clerk.

Thank you